Digest>Mar/Apr 2011

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Many people collect old post cards. However, if you look at the back of the card, you never know what you might find. This card featuring a view of the main street of Jonesport, Maine was addressed to the wife of Fred Robbins at Heron Neck Light Station and was postmarked in Jonesport, Maine in August of 1911. It had been sent by A.A. Greenberg with a note saying that it was great to hear from Mrs. Robbins. Fred Robbins served as the keeper at Heron Neck Lighthouse from 1911 to 1930. He had previously served at Mt. Desert Rock Lighthouse in Maine from 1898 to 1911. He may also have served on a short temporary basis from 1900 to 1901 at West Quoddy Lighthouse in Lubec, Maine. (From the collection of Lighthouse Digest, donated by Judi Kearney.)
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Heron Neck Lighthouse
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