Digest>Jan/Feb 2016

Photo Caption:

This view shows the entire Trinidad Lighthouse Station as it once appeared. In the 1960s the U. S. Coast Guard demolished the large keeper’s house and replaced it with a triplex that looked like a nondescript apartment building. In 1949 a replica of the lighthouse, called the Trinidad Memorial Lighthouse, was built in the town of Trinidad. In the 1940s the Coast Guard removed the Fresnel lens from the original lighthouse and it was placed on display in the replica tower in Trinidad. When the fog bell was removed from the original lighthouse site, it was also moved and is now on display by the Trinidad Memorial Lighthouse. On May 16, 2014 the ownership of the original 1871 Trinidad Lighthouse and its surrounding property and buildings was transferred to the Bureau of Land Management.
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200-Foot High Wave Strikes Trinidad Head Lighthouse
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