Digest>Archives> August 2001

Maine Lighthouse Week Kick-off in Rockland


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Rep Deborah McNeil hold the Proclamation ...

Despite predictions of violent thunderstorms, the first annual celebration kick off of Maine Lighthouse Week proceeded as planned.

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Tim Harrison congratulates the Friends group ...

Maine State Representative Deborah McNeil who was also the originator of the bill in the State Legislature hosted the celebration. While the Rockland Breakwater Lighthouse was covered by sea smoke during most of the celebration, occasional glimpses were seen during the opening celebration to kick off the new and first Maine Lighthouse Week.

Spirits couldn’t be dampened by attendees who enjoyed the food and music under the tents during periods of heavy to mild rain. After all, this was a celebration of months of hard work, which all attendees knew would grow bigger and bigger each year.

Senator Christine Savage, one of the cosponsors of the legislation read aloud the Proclamation from Governor Angus King declaring the creation of Maine Lighthouse Week.

Our own Tim Harrison, who is also president of the American Lighthouse Foundation, was on hand to congratulate the Friends of Rockland Breakwater for their initiative in starting the idea of a Maine Lighthouse Week. He also congratulated them for their major accomplishments to date in raising funds for the restoration of their historic lighthouse. In his remarks, he also encouraged those in attendance to open up their checkbooks to support the Friends group. And to those unable to help financially, he suggested that they should offer to be a volunteer with one of the many lighthouse groups in Maine, whether it be in physical work at a lighthouse or staffing a fund-raising booth or stuffing envelopes, saying that no group can be successful without volunteers.

This story appeared in the August 2001 edition of Lighthouse Digest Magazine. The print edition contains more stories than our internet edition, and each story generally contains more photographs - often many more - in the print edition. For subscription information about the print edition, click here.

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