The past ten years has been one of growth and change for Harbour Lights, and it’s hard to believe that our wonderful Harbour Lights Collectors Society is celebrating its Tenth Anniversary throughout the coming year! Thanks to you, we have lots to celebrate!
Looking back at the old and ahead at the new will be an important part of our yearlong observance. Renewing old friendships and making new ones; hearing from our long-time members and meeting new ones; and recalling times gone by as we prepare for events yet to be shared are all part of the commemoration, and we want you to be a part of it all!
For starters, we invite you to share your Society memories with us, both in words and in photos. We really want to hear from you. We would also like to invite you to join us at upcoming In-Store Events in your area and enjoy the special recognition we have planned for Society members.
But most of all, we know you will want to renew your membership and be among the first to receive our outstanding 2004-05 Member Benefits. Your Lighthouse of Membership is an enchanting sculpture of the historic Cuckolds (Maine) Lighthouse as it stands today—still bravely monitoring the rugged southern coast as it has for over 100 years. It’s all that’s left today on the tiny shale island—the small tower with its blinking white beacon. But there’s more . . .
To add to your Society celebration, the 2004 redemption Members Only Lighthouse is Old Cuckolds—the lighthouse as it once stood, with its light atop the two-story keeper’s quarters that was built a hundred years ago. This sculpture depicts the unique sentinel as it was before the terrible blizzard of 1978 that destroyed the dwelling, but spared the tower. Our pristine portrayal is historically accurate and is a bit of lighthouse legacy that you will treasure always.
If you’re among the remaining members who have yet to renew for the current year, be sure to do so right away. Renew for the new Society year, and let the celebration begin! Whether you’re a Charter Member with a decade of memories or a brand-new member just discovering the joys of membership, we know you’re going to enjoy our Anniversary Year!
To join or renew, just call Society Headquarters at 800-365-1219 or Lighthouse Depot at 800-758-1444. We look forward to hearing from you!
This story appeared in the
April 2004 edition of Lighthouse Digest Magazine. The print edition contains more stories than our internet edition, and each story generally contains more photographs - often many more - in the print edition. For subscription information about the print edition, click here.
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