Digest>Archives> November 2004

Images from the past


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Tristram Goldthwaite

Shown here is a copy of a photograph of Tristram Goldthwaite who served as a lighthouse keeper at Maine’s Wood Island Lighthouse. Goldthwaite assumed the position as keeper for a short time in 1832 after the death of his father Philip Goldthwaite who the lighthouse’s second keeper.

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Edward M. Toman

Although the quality of the image is poor at least another slice of lighthouse history has been saved for the future.

Edward M. Toman, shown here, was a keeper in the U.S. Lighthouse Service from 1920 to 1936 in Alaska, serving at Cape St. Elias and Cape Decision lighthouses. His son Rudolph served with him as assistant keeper. Rudolph later went on to serve as a keeper at Smith Island Light and Point Wilson Light in Washington state.

We wish to thank Gilbert Warren from Montana who sent us the photo. Gilbert says they don’t get much lighthouse news in Montana and he wishes he had known about the lighthouse organizations and this magazine earlier in his lifetime. He would like to have had the opportunity to visit them and walk in the steps of his family.

This story appeared in the November 2004 edition of Lighthouse Digest Magazine. The print edition contains more stories than our internet edition, and each story generally contains more photographs - often many more - in the print edition. For subscription information about the print edition, click here.

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