Digest>Archives> September 2000

Brazilian Lighthouses


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Shown here is Brazil’s 1872 Olinda Lighthouse ...
Photo by: Adeilton O. Souza

Brazil is a nation of lighthouses. The country has 192 lighthouses, and nearly 1500 buoy lights of one kind or another.

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Mother Luiza Lighthouse

The Mother Luiza Lighthouse in Natal, Brazil is new by lighthouse standards having been built in 1951. Located in one of the prettiest cities in Brazil, Natal is known for it’s beautiful beaches, dunes, and coconut trees.

The light from the lantern room is referred to as “The fountain of lights” because of the 1000-watt bulb used to light the lens, which is operated, by the local marina.

It uses an old weights and pulley system, inherited from a previous lighthouse, to rotate the lens.

Information supplied by Maria Wesely.

This story appeared in the September 2000 edition of Lighthouse Digest Magazine. The print edition contains more stories than our internet edition, and each story generally contains more photographs - often many more - in the print edition. For subscription information about the print edition, click here.

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