Digest>Archives> September 2000




LIGHTHOUSE ANTIQUES - We offer the largest selection of antiques of the Lighthouse Service, Life-Saving Service, Revenue Cutter Service, and Coast Guard that can be found anywhere. Featured in our monthly catalogues are thousands of new and antique books, photographs, lithographs, documents, reports, logbooks, charts, china, dinnerware, oil cans, uniforms, buttons, insignia, clocks, lanterns, and more. Special pricing on new books. $3 for illustrated catalogue, refundable with order. Kendrick A. Claflin & Son, 30 Hudson Street, Northborough, MA 01532. email: jclaflin@ma.ultranet.com or www.ultranet.com/~jclaflin/


The Shore Village Lighthouse Museum, 104 Limerock St., Rockland, Maine 04841. 207-594-0311. On-line at www.lighthouse.cc/shorevillage


Crookhaven Lighthouse Keepers Homes Soughwest Ireland, Fastnet views. secluded shorefront. Private Pier and Gardens beautifully restored. 011 353 2835066. holiday homeswestcork@ireland.com

gifts & books

Childhood Memories of a Lighthouse Keeper’s Daughter by Ann Hoge. Lighthouses of Passage Island and Presque Isle, Michigan. Send $13.00 (includes shipping) to Lighthouse Lady, 484 Sunrise Circle, Kalamazoo, MI 49009.

Endangered Lighthouses Neglect, erosion, storms, vandalism, abandonment. Sounds like a bad horror flick, but in fact, over the last 100 years, many Americna lighthouses have been lost—destroyed by the forces of nature and those of mankind. With each light that burns our, we lose more of our country’s treasured maritime history—tales of shipwrecks, heroic captains, mutiny at sea, countless lives saved. Order now for December delivery. Item #31860 $19.95 (plus shipping). Lighthouse Depot, Box 427C, Wells, ME 04090.

Lighthouse license plate frame for your car. Black plastic frame with the words “Lighthouses” (on top) and light up your life” (bottom) in gold 3-d letters. To order send $3.95 plus $2.00 (per frame) to Pharos Frames, 5911 Springs, Crystal Lake, IL 60012.

Bev’s Studio Lighthouse images for the collector. Limited edition prints of lights all over the U.S. Checks, bookmarks, mousepads, and more. www.Bevstudio.com


Nubble Light at Christmas-time is beautifully caught at that perfect moment in time in Christmas Light by Paula. A 22”x28” poster of Nubble Light in York, Maine, one of the most photographed lighthouses in Maine. Send $20 (includes postage) to Paula of Maine, Box 404, Kennebunk, ME 04043.


Photographs of Lighthouse keepers to be researched/preserved by the Lighthouse History Research Institute

LIGHTHOUSES - Wanted - Memorabilia of the United States Lighthouse Service (USLHS) or United States Lighthouse Establishment (USLHE) or items stamped and engraved by any Lighthouse Depot. Send price, photo to T. Harrison, PO Box 250, East Machias, ME 04630.

Large original antique Fresnel lens from lighthouse. Martin Roenigk, 75 Prospect Avenue, Eureka Springs, AR 72632. (501)253-0405.

Real Estate

EDIZ HOOK LIGHTHOUSE FOR SALE. Not a miniature, not a reproduction, but the real thing. Built in 1906, the 3 BR, 1.5 BA lighthouse was moved into town in 1946 and is now a residence on two city lots in Port Angeles, WA. $127,000. Call Judy Beier at REMAX Fifth Avenue 360-683-1500.


LIGHTHOUSE Art-Portland, Maine Lighthouse art print. 16x20, $18.00 add $3.00 P&H. Steve White, 6 Genesee Ave., Staten Island, NY 10308. Email fdnyartist@aol.com 718-317-5025.

Your lighthouse photo becomes frameable artwork. scan/compose/print on watercolor art stock or canvas. Size up to 24” x 36”. High quality heirloom for $50 plus S&H. Derek Little, Artist/ Photographer, 508-696-8730 or bigpicture@islanderis.net

2000 Classified Rates: $1.10 per word – 20 word minimum or $22.00. DISPLAY: $40 per column inch. 10% frequency discount for prepayment of 3 consecutive issues. PREPAYMENT REQUIRED by check or credit card. No phone orders. The first word of each ad will be in BOLD/ALL CAPS at no charge; additional words add 50¢ each. ALL CAPS – add 25¢ per word; bold only add 25¢ per word. Ad copy and payment should be sent to K. Finnegan, Lighthouse Digest, P.O. Box 1690, Wells, ME 04090. Fax 207-646-2800.

Counting Words: One or more characters divided by a space will count as a word. City State and Zip will count as three words, phone numbers and internet addresses will each count as one word.

This story appeared in the September 2000 edition of Lighthouse Digest Magazine. The print edition contains more stories than our internet edition, and each story generally contains more photographs - often many more - in the print edition. For subscription information about the print edition, click here.

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