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Name: Cape Tryon Light (new)  

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Nearest Town or City:
Park Corner, Prince Edward Island, Canada

Location: North shore of PEI, Gulf of St. Lawrence.

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Photo: Alan Culley

Managing Organization:
Canadian Coast Guard

This lighthouse is endangered by erosion of the cliff where it stands. The original 1905 Cape Tryon Lighthouse still stands and is a private residence.

Tower Height: 39

Height of Focal Plane: 115

Characteristic and Range: Flashing white light visible for 18 nautical miles.

Description of Tower: White, square pyramidal tower.

This light is operational

Date Established: 1905

Date Present Tower Built: 1969

Current Use: Active aid to navigation.

Open To Public? No.

On Blue Heron Drive, Route 20, turn north at French River and drive past the harbour. At the end of the road turn left and travel approximately 1 km down the road. Watch for overhead power lines going down to the shore. The lighthouse will gradually come into view as you travel towards the shore. It is located on private property. (Thanks to PEI Lighthouse Society.) Note from Michel Forand, May 2, 2001: "When I drove to the current lighthouse in September 1999, the road was very rough, and I was sure I would get stuck in the very deep ruts that marked the road. Only the most adventurous drivers should attempt to drive all the way to the light. The alternative would be to leave the car on the road from French River, which means a hike of about a mile (?) to the light. The view of the Gulf from the light is spectacular."

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