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Name: Pine Island Light  

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Nearest Town or City:
Victoria, British Columbia, Canada

Location: Northwest end of Queen Charlotte Strait.

Click to enlarge: Photo   
Photo: Ted Smith

Managing Organization:
Canadian Coast Guard Pacific Region

This lighthouse station was damaged by a storm in 1967 and was subsequently rebuilt on higher ground. The 1967 lighthouse still stands but has been replaced by a modern steel tower.

Height of Focal Plane: 93

Characteristic and Range: Flashing red every 10 seconds.

Description of Tower: White cylindrical steel tower with no lantern.

This light is operational

Earlier Towers?
1907: Square pyramidal wooden tower. c. 1967: Square, white tower and red lantern, supported by steel framework.

Date Established: 1907

Date Present Tower Built: ?

Current Use: Active aid to navigation.

Open To Public? No.

Keepers: William Hunt (1907), Arthur Broughton Gurney (1907-1915), Donald McPhee (1915-1919), Percy Pike (1919-1922 and 1925-1933), R. Lalley (1922-1925), H, Chamberlin (1933-1936), G. Smith (1936-1941), A. Kelly (1941-1945), J. Thompson (1945-1952), A. Swanson (1952-1956), R. Roberts (1956-1957), Rex Pendril "Pen" Brown (1957-1967), R. Emrich (1967-1969), W. McEllroy (1969), K. Nelson (1969-1973), R. Emrich (1973-1977), G. Watson (1977-1979), A. Bablitz (1979-1981), Douglas Fraser (1981-1992), Dan McMurray (1992-present?)

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