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Name: Holland Island Bar Light  

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Nearest Town or City:
Crisfield, Maryland, United States

Location: Middle of Chesapeake Bay, near Smith Island.

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Photo: Lighthouse Digest

In 1931 Keeper Ulman Owens was mysteriously found dead in his bed at the lighthouse. In 1957, three Navy fighter/bombers were doing a routine practice night bombing raid on an old ship a few miles from the lighthouse. A pilot mistakenly dropped targeting flares on the lighthouse instead of the ship, and the three planes then proceeded to bomb the lighthouse with unarmed rockets. The structure was damaged and two keepers were injured. A modern automatic light on the old foundation replaced the lighthouse in 1960.

Height of Focal Plane: 42

Characteristic and Range: Two white flashes every 30 seconds, visible for 12 nautical miles.

Description of Tower: Cottage-style screwpile structure.

This light is not operational

Date Established: 1889

Date Deactivated: 1960

Fog Signal: Diaphone fog signal - 2 blasts every 20 seconds.

Current Use: Destroyed.

Keepers: Ulman Owens (?-1931, died in service), Harry (Tom) Serres (1951-1952), Bill Smelser (c.1951-1952), Francis A. France (c. 1951-1952), Thomas Winfred Jones (c. 1951-1952)

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