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Name: Maatsuyker Island Lighthouse  

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Nearest Town or City:
South West Cape, , Australia

Location: Off south coast of Tasmania.

Managing Organization:
Tasmania Parks and Wildlife/Southwest National Park


This is the southernmost lighthouse in Australia. It has been replaced by a nearby automatic light. The island has the only elephant seal colony in Australia. The 1891 lighthouse here has been replaced as an aid to navigation by a modern fiberglass tower with a focal plane of 459 feet.

Tower Height: 43

Height of Focal Plane: 351

Characteristic and Range: White flash every 7.5 seconds (modern tower)

Description of Tower: White, conical brick tower with outer layer of concrete.

This light is not operational

Date Established: 1891

Date Present Tower Built: 1891

Date Deactivated: 1996

Optics: First order Fresnel lens (Chance Bros.)

Current Use: Historic structure.

Open To Public? No.

The island is accessible by boat and air only.

Keepers: Chris Richter (c. 1990s)

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