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Name: Hoek van Holland Rear Light (old)  

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Nearest Town or City:
Hoek van Holland, , Netherlands

Location: Near the ferry terminal, Zuid-Holland Province, west of Rotterdam.

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Photo: Michel Forand

Managing Organization:
Nederlands Kustverlichtingsmuseum


The original third-order Fresnel lens used here was transferred to Maasvlakte Light.

Tower Height: 69

Description of Tower: Red conical cast iron tower.

This light is not operational

Date Established: 1893

Date Present Tower Built: 1893

Date Deactivated: ?

Current Use: Museum.

Open To Public? Yes.

The lighthouse contains a small museum called the Netherlands Coastal Lighthouse Museum. Site open, museum and tower open Saturday and Sunday afternoons, May through September.

Located at Willem van Houtenstraat 102 in Hoek van Holland, just east of the modern range light.

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