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Name: Pointe de la Prairie Light  

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Also known as: Ile-aux-Coudres Light

Nearest Town or City:
Cap-à-la-Branche, Quebec, Canada

Location: Off Ile aux Coudres, St. Lawrence River, near Baie-Saint-Paul.

Click to enlarge: Photo   
Photo: Joost Keesing

Managing Organization:
Canadian Coast Guard

The light is located on the north side of this St. Lawrence River island, in the North shipping channel. It is about 60 km East of Quebec City.

Tower Height: 14

Height of Focal Plane: 52

Characteristic and Range: range: White flash every 5 seconds; range 16 miles.

Description of Tower: White circular pillar with a red lower portion, surmounted by a helicopter pad.

This light is operational

Earlier Towers?
1931: White octagonal concrete dwelling and red iron lantern, on a white octagonal reinforced concrete pier.

Date Established: 1931

Date Present Tower Built: 1972

Current Use: Active aid to navigation.

Open To Public? No.

The mainland terminal of the Ile aux Coudres ferry is at Saint-Joseph-de-la-Rive. The 15-minute ferry ride is free in both directions. (Call 418-438-2743 or email for more information on the ferry.) The lighthouse can be seen from the ferry. For a closer look, after arriving on Ile aux Coudres go to the top of the hill, then turn right on the Rue Royale Ouest until it becomes the Chemin des Coudriers. Look for the Chemin des Prairies (unpaved road and bicycle path), which provides the best views of the lighthouse. (Thanks to Michel Forand.)

Keepers: David Ballantyn (1858-1863); Louis Malouin (1863-1877); Alfred Malouin (1877-1907); Lorenzo Malouin (1907-1926); Horatio Malouin (1926-1938); René Malouin; Marcel Duguay.

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