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Name: Cap Chat Light  

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Nearest Town or City:
Cap-Chat, Quebec, Canada

Location: Gaspé Peninsula, east of Matane.

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Photo: Michel Forand
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Managing Organization:
Centre Vents et Mer

Telephone: 418-786-5543


Contact Address Information:
P.O. Box 280
Quebec, G0J 1E0, Canada

The original lighthouse (1871) was situated on the cape itself, a few miles west of the present site. "In the interests of navigation," it was rebuilt in 1875 at a more prominent location on the cape, about 480 yards from the original location. In 1891, the fog signal at Pointe Sainte-Anne, about 9 miles east, was moved to the Cap Chat station. Finally, in 1909, the lighthouse was rebuilt closer to the village of Cap Chat.

Tower Height: 44

Height of Focal Plane: 136

Characteristic and Range: Characteristic & range: White flash every 6 seconds; range 15 miles.

Description of Tower: White, square wooden tower with a circular red lantern.

This light is operational

Earlier Towers?
1871 White, square tower, 37 feet tall, with dwelling attached. 1875: White, square wooden tower, 26 feet tall.

Date Established: 1871

Date Present Tower Built: 1909

Tower Moved?

Optics: Third order Fresnel lens, built by Barbier, Bénard and Turenne (still in use).

Current Use: Active aid to navigation.

Open To Public? Grounds only.

The lighthouse is located on the grounds of the Centre Vents et Mer, which also includes an information center on wind generation and modern windmills (“eolians”), gardens, nature paths, a tea house and a museum. Grounds open June 9 to September 15, 8 a.m. to 6 p.m.

From Highway 132 about 3 miles west of the town of Cap-Chat, look for a sign marked “Vents et Mer” (white lettering on black background), across the road from a number of “eolians." Parking available. (Thanks to Michel Forand.)

Keepers: Joseph Roy (1871-1874); Louis Treflé Côté (1874-1901); Luc Côté (1901-1927); J.A. Aurèle Côté (1927-1931); Jean-François Roy (1931-1964); Joseph Marcel Duguay (1964-1973); Yves Duguay (1973-1974); Charles Hector Fraser (1974-1988)

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