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Name: Piedras Blancas Light  

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Nearest Town or City:
San Simeon, California, United States

Location: Northern entrance to San Simeon Bay, entrance to Monterey Bay.

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Photo: Lighthouse Digest

Managing Organization:
Piedras Blancas Light Station

Telephone: 805-927-2968


Contact Address Information:
15950 Cabrillo Hwy (Hwy 1)
San Simeon
California, 93452, United States

An agreement is being worked out with California State Parks at nearby Hearst Castle. State Parks will share expertise in resource protection, site restoration, public safety and fire protection, interpretation, and visitor management. The Bureau of Land Management plans to make Piedras Blancas a part of the new California Coastal National Monument, while promoting protection and public appreciation of this beautiful spot on the coast.

Tower Height: 74

Height of Focal Plane: 142

Characteristic and Range: White flash every 10 seconds.

Description of Tower: White brick conical tower with lantern removed.

This light is operational

Other Buildings?
1960 ranch style brick keeper's house, 1906 brick fog signal building, oil house, office, pump house. A 1906 keeper's dwelling was moved and is now a private home in Cambria.

Date Established: 1875

Date Present Tower Built: 1879

Date Automated: 1975

Optics: 1879: First order bivalve Fresnel lens (now on display on Main Street in Cambria in reconstruction of lighthouse lantern); 1949: DCB-224.

Fog Signal: Originally air whistle; now automatic fog horn.

Current Use: Active aid to navigation.

Open To Public? Yes (limited basis).

Public tours are on selected days only and are by reservation. The tours originate at the Hearst Castle visitor center. To make Lighthouse Tour reservations, call (888) 804-8608.

The lighthouse can be seen about a mile north of San Simeon on Highway 1 from the entrance to the station. To the lighthouse lens: On Highway 1 about 8 miles south of the lighthouse, turn left at Moonstone Beach Drive. Turn right to continue on Main Street (Business Route 1); the lens is a few blocks ahead on the right.

Listed on the National Register of Historic Places

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