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Name: Point Stephens Lighthouse  

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Also known as: Point Stephens Outer Lighthouse

Nearest Town or City:
Nelson Bay, , Australia

Location: Fingal Bay, New South Wales.

Managing Organization:
National Parks and Wildlife Service

Website: &ParkKey=N0065&Type=xo

This lighthouse is located within Tomaree National Park. The keepers' cottages here were badly damaged by a fire set by vandals in the 1980s. The original lantern was removed from the lighthouse in 1973, and it has been restored by the Nelson Bay Lions and incorporated into a tourist information center at Nelson Bay. 

Tower Height: 69

Height of Focal Plane: 125

Characteristic and Range: Four white flashes every 30 seconds, range 17 nautical miles.

Description of Tower: White, conical sandstone tower with flared base.

This light is operational

Date Established: 1862

Date Present Tower Built: 1862

Date Automated: 1922

Current Use: Active aid to navigation.

Open To Public? Grounds only.

Tomaree National Park is 50 km north of Newcastle or 3 km north-east of Nelson Bay. Access is via Shoal Bay or Gan Gan Road. The lighthouse is on an island connected to the mainland by a sand spit. It's recommended never to cross during a rising sea or tide.

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