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Name: Pine Islet Lighthouse  

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Nearest Town or City:
MacKay, , Australia

Location: Originally on Pine Islet southeast of MacKay, now onshore at MacKay Harbour.

Managing Organization:
Pine Islet Lighthouse Preservation Society


Contact Address Information:
PO Box 3340
MacKay North, Queensland

This lighthouse was replaced by a modern beacon in 1985, and it was eventually moved from its island lcoation to its present location in MacKay, where it has been fully restored. It is the only Queensland lighthouse to retain its kerosene lighting apparatus. The light is operational but it is not an aid to navigation.

Tower Height: 34

This light is operational

Date Established: 1885

Date Present Tower Built: 1885

Tower Moved?
c. 1986

Date Deactivated: 1985

Current Use: Historic attraction.

Open To Public? Yes.

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