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Name: Sandy Hook West Beacon  

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Also known as: Sandy Hook Beacon

Also known as: Sandy Hook South Beacon

Nearest Town or City:
Highlands, New Jersey, United States

Location: On the bay side of Sandy Hook, northwest of Sandy Hook Light.

This was the front light of the Southwest Spit Range, with Sandy Hook Light acting as the rear light. It was moved or rebuilt a number of times to accommodate shifts in the main ship channel, a fact that is reflected in the different tower heights provided in light lists over the years: 35 feet (1850s), 30 feet (1880s), 24 feet (1900s) and 36 feet (1910s).

Tower Height: 36

Height of Focal Plane: 37

Characteristic and Range: Fixed white light, visible for 11 nautical miles.

Description of Tower: White wooden tower with a black lantern.

This light is not operational

Date Established: 1817

Date Deactivated: Early 1920s

Optics: 1855: Sixth order Fresnel lens.

Current Use: Destroyed.

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