The old saying “It’s Time to Shift Gears,” can apply to many things in the existence of a business or the life of an individual.
And life itself is a constant change as we move to a new house, change jobs or careers, lose loved ones or friends, gain new friends or celebrate the birth of a new life. Change is ever constant.
As most of you are aware, I’ve spent a good part of my life dedicated to the lighthouse preservation movement, something that I am extremely proud of. However, as time moves on with life there is always change and that time for a slight change in gears or direction for me has now arrived.
In the nearly 14 years that I served as president of the American Lighthouse Foundation, a group that started with a small meeting of people in a Massachusetts motel banquet room and $350 in donations, the organization grew to become one of the largest and most respected lighthouse groups in the nation. While we accomplished great things, there is so much more that needs to be done. As time goes on, time also catches up with us, and some of us no longer have the physical capabilities to continue at the pace we were used to for so long. After serving as President of the American Lighthouse Foundation since I helped co-found the group in 1994, the time had come to step aside and let others assume the leadership of the organization.
I am proud of the many accomplishments we made and honored by the numerous friendships that have been made as president of the American Lighthouse Foundation.
However, I am not leaving the lighthouse preservation movement nor my association with the American Lighthouse Foundation.
It’s simply time to move on or change gears to devote more time to Lighthouse Digest, which has been around since I co-founded it in May of 1992, and to spend more time researching lighthouse history so it can be written about in the pages of this magazine and future books that I am working on. Most recently, I have taken on the role of co-chair of the Friends of Little River Lighthouse, which is a chapter of the American Lighthouse Foundation.
Also, through the pages of this magazine, Lighthouse Digest will continue, with your help, to support every lighthouse group in the nation and the dedicated volunteers who make those groups possible.
I wish for all of you as the New Year is upon us, to strengthen your friendships and love for each other, create new friendships and renew old friendships, all while working to help save and preserve our lighthouse history and heritage for those who will appreciate all we have done, quite possibly without ever knowing who we were.
This story appeared in the
December 2007 edition of Lighthouse Digest Magazine. The print edition contains more stories than our internet edition, and each story generally contains more photographs - often many more - in the print edition. For subscription information about the print edition, click here.