Digest>Archives> Jan/Feb 2008

Wickie’s Wisdom

Welcome 2008

By Timothy Harrison


As time marches by, we are all faced with our own mortality. With each passing year, we begin to realize the things we used to be able to do are now becoming a distant memory. As these memories of our past become more and more distant, we start to “fill-in” some of the facts that have become clouded with time.

The same is true with history. As we move farther from the event, certain facts tend to be embellished and made to be more than what is true. Or worse, we negate or even forget completely some of the truly important events in time.

As historians of lighthouses, let’s make sure that history of these historic structures is never forgotten in the pages of time.

We here at Lighthouse Digest will continue to support every lighthouse group around the world by publishing facts, events, restoration and the history of these beautiful structures. We, as always, will publicize those lighthouses in need and draw attention to help save the structures and the human side of their histories.

You, our readers, can help. If you are involved in lighthouse restoration, take photos and send us copies. If you have particular lighthouse history in your own family or local community that you know hasn’t made it out of your local area, please share it with us, so we may share with our readers around the world.

Our New Year’s Resolution for 2008 is to strive to make this magazine even better than it has been through the last 16 years, and with your help, we know we can do it.

All the best for a bright and happy 2008 from the staff at Lighthouse Digest!

This story appeared in the Jan/Feb 2008 edition of Lighthouse Digest Magazine. The print edition contains more stories than our internet edition, and each story generally contains more photographs - often many more - in the print edition. For subscription information about the print edition, click here.

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