Managing Organization: Gilbert's Cove and District Historical Society
Contact Address Information: Yvonne Doucette, President, RR 1, Box 62 Plympton Nova Scotia,
B0W 2R0,
Notes: The Gilbert's Cove and District Historical Society operates a museum, gift shop and tea room at the lighthouse. Community events are also held here. In the fall of 2003, a grant of $29,317 was received from the Atlantic Canada Opportunities Agency. The combined lighthouse and dwelling has received a new roof and chimney, and a rebuilt lantern. More rock has been added near the lighthouse to protect from erosion. Description of Tower: Square lantern on roof of white wooden keeper's quarters.
This light is not operational
Other Buildings? Integral keeper's quarters. Date Established: 1904 Date Present Tower Built: 1904 Date Deactivated: circa 1960s Current Use: Museum. Open To Public? Yes. Museum? The lighthouse and museum are open July and August daily from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Admission is free; donations are welcome. There is a beach and picnic area nearby. Directions: Follow Lighthouse Road from Route 1 (Evangeline Trail) to the lighthouse.