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Name: Anacapa Island Light   Map it!

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Nearest Town or City:
Port Hueneme, California, United States

Location: Entrance to Santa Barbara Channel, about 15 miles southwest of Ventura.

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Managing Organization:
Channel Islands National Park

Telephone: 805-658-5730


Contact Address Information:
1901 Spinnaker Drive
California, 93001, United States

The U.S. Coast Guard maintains the active optic; the National Park Service manages the property. Anacapa Island Light recently underwent a $350,000 renovation including asbestos removal. Clayton Parkinson sent the following: "About Point Hueneme Light, in the late sixties I was stationed there as an engineman. We had a 40 footer that was kept at the Seabee base at Port Hueneme for search and rescue operations. In the lighthouse we had a radio room were we had a radio watch 24 hours a day. We also maintained the light and Loran on Anacapa Island. There was 4 houses and a barracks house at Port Hueneme, and on Anacapa Island we had a crew of 3 who would spend a month at a time on the island. I was the last one off the island in 1969 when it was automated. Nice to see these two lighthouses have not been forgotten."

Tower Height: 40

Height of Focal Plane: 277

Characteristic and Range: Two white flashes every 60 seconds.

Description of Tower: Reinforced concrete cylindrical tower with brick/concrete foundation. White with black trim.

This light is operational

Other Buildings?
1932 one story Spanish Revival wood keeper's house, oil house, radio building, tank house, two storage buildings, dock, crane house, cistern.

Earlier Towers?
1912: steel tower.

Date Established: 1912

Date Present Tower Built: 1932

Date Automated: 1968

Optics: 1932: Third order Fresnel lens; 1991: DCB-24. The original Fresnel lens is in the Anacapa Island Museum.

Fog Signal: Originally diaphone horn, now automated electronic signal.

Current Use: Active aid to navigation in national park.

Open To Public? Grounds only; escorted tours of lighthouse.

The museum on the island houses the old Fresnel lens from the lighthouse. The museum is accessible via a strenuous climb up 153 steps.

Accessible by passenger ferry from Ventura. Choice of a 3 1/2 hour non-landing trip or an all day early morning departure. Call Island Packers in Ventura at (805) 642-1393 for more information. To Island Packers: From Los Angeles area: Take 101 north to Victoria exit. Turn left on Victoria and go 1/2 mile to Olivas Park Drive. Turn right on Olivas Park Drive and follow into Ventura Harbor. The road will become Spinnaker Drive. It reaches a dead end next to the Channel Islands National Park building. Island Packers is to the right at 1867 Spinnaker Drive. Parking is free. From the north, take 101 south to Seaward exit. Turn left into Harbor Blvd. And follow 2 miles to Spinnaker Drive. Turn right on Spinnaker and follow to the end of the road.

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