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Name: Atlantic City (faux) lighthouse  

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Nearest Town or City:
Atlantic City, New Jersey, United States

Location: Atlantic City Expressway.

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Photo: Nancy J. Rau

This faux lighthouse was built along with a cascading fountain, boardwalk, and a 250-foot stone jetty, in 1997 at the foot of the Atlantic City Expressway as part of a beautification project, at a cost of $3 million. The lighthouse originally had laser lights, but there was a danger that the lights could blind pilots landing at the nearby Bader Field airstrip, so the lasers were turned off. The lighthouse was removed in 2006 to make way for a new retail development.

Tower Height: 90

Description of Tower: Skeletal tower with partial outer spiral covering.

It is not known at this time if this light is operational

Date Established: 1997

Date Deactivated: 2006

Current Use: Destroyed.

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