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Name: Arecibo Light  

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Also known as: Faro de Arecibo

Nearest Town or City:
Arecibo, Puerto Rico, United States

Location: Entrance to Port Areceibo, north shore of Puerto Rico.

Click to enlarge: Photo   
Photo: Manuel Santiago

Managing Organization:
Municipality of Arecibo


This lighthouse was the last lighthouse built by the Spanish Crown in the Puerto Rico. It is located in a municipal park and has been recently restored. It is now home to a museum devoted to the history of Arecibo.

Tower Height: 46

Height of Focal Plane: 120

Description of Tower: White, hexagonal stone tower, attached to keeper's house.

This light is operational

Other Buildings?
Keeper's house, electric plant.

Date Established: 1898

Date Present Tower Built: 1898

Date Automated: 1964

Optics: 1898: Third order Fresnel lens, now 190 mm.

Current Use: Active aid to navigation.

Open To Public? Grounds only.

Plans are underway to expand the dock of the Port of Arecibo to accommodate small cruise ships and seaplanes.

Listed on the National Register of Historic Places

Keepers: Agustin Suárez Cruz (1942-1945)

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